Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Blessings- 2011

It is New Years Eve, Friday, December 31, 2010. I was thinking about things people do to begin the New Year.  The other day when we were walking at LaJolla Cove we saw some swimmers going into the cold Pacific Ocean. It was nine in the morning and I was wearing a jacket. But those faithful swimmers were doing their morning ritual no matter the weather. I can picture them jumping into the icy waters on the first day of the year. We see pictures of people in the news doing their Polar plunge each year. I'll stay in my warm jacket and watch the brave souls. Makes me shiver thinking about them.

Laura and I read the book, "Swimming to Antarctica," by Lynne Cox. She is a long distance swimmer and likes the challenge of very cold water. It was an enjoyable book, but I'll leave the endurance records to her and just read about it. I admire people who get out there and challenge themselves like that.

Bruce, Charlie, Swede, Clarence
Paul's brother loves to go cycling every day. Charlie and some of his friends who are all in their 70s, except one may be in his 60s, enjoy an annual cycling trip together. They have done the Rockies in Canada and points south. This year they were in the North Cascades. Each year they will be a little more south during their excursion. They impress me each year as they continue this tradition of pedaling up hill and down for great distances and enjoying the scenery. These fine gentlemen are all graduates of Coronado High School.

Some people begin the year on a birding expedition. That is bird watching to most people. Paul and our son Bill enjoy starting the year this way. The idea is to see how many varieties of birds you can get in a day, or a month, or the year. Paul has a thing about lists so he has lists for each excursion, each month and each year. Plus whatever other list he comes up with. Then some people just enjoy the birds and don't bother with lists. There are people who do an official bird count this time of the year too. Paul used to go on bird walks with the Audubon Society and really enjoyed this activity. When you are with other birders you can find more birds as others may see or hear one that you would not have otherwise. Paul enjoys going with our son as Bill has a good eye and ear for birds. Laura enjoys seeing the birds too.

I'm glad that Bill takes his dad birding as I get to go places and see things I wouldn't get to do otherwise. We get to go to the mountains, the desert and many of the nice coastal areas in San Diego. When we had a car we would be able to do some of these things all through the year. Now we depend on going with family or friends for these adventures. But there are local things to do on the bus. Sometimes we go to the I.B. pier or other nearby walking areas. We need to do this more often.

Some people ring in the New Year with parties or fireworks. Some stay home and watch the festivities on T.V. We are doing good to be awake at midnight. I hope all of my friends and family face the New Year with the Joy of the Lord and may you enjoy the Peace that only He can give. Maybe some are going to ring in the New Year by singing and praying with other believers at the church of their choice. Do remember to count your blessings. Hugs :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year - 2011

As I begin this it is New Years Eve Eve, Thursday, December 30th. Looking forward to 2011 day after tomorrow. We will have a quiet New Years Eve as we plan to be up early on the first for a busy day. No parties or celebrations planned here. We will probably be awakened at midnight with our neighbors greeting the year with some fireworks or other revelry. I will traditionally worry about the danger of the fireworks and may go outside to tell them to be careful. Been there, done that.

When I was much younger I enjoyed a New Years Eve party or two. It is fun to greet the year with your friends. There have been times we have gone to Griff's in Valley Center to spend the night on New Years Eve. It is fun to wake up and look across the valley towards Palomar Mountain. Sometimes the valley is covered in fog and is a picture waiting to be taken. It is always cold at his place on a winter night.

We went to Griff's on New Years Day last year. That was an enjoyable way to start the year. Any time we can spend with family is a plus. Bill was with us then as he is this year. We had an extra surprise this year as he arrived on Christmas morning. This was the first Christmas he has been with us since he went in the Air Force in 1988. (I stand corrected as I was saying '89). Griff was also here on Christmas as he is each year.

I don't make New Years resolutions so won't make any profound statements about things I resolve to do. I need to get my house in order so my children don't get stuck with it someday. I do get rid of things but need to do more. I have a box ready to put out for Amvets in the morning, as I do from time to time.

Today we went for a nice ride as far as Potrero. It is on the way to Campo which is another destination we have done when with Bill. We have also done these rides with George in years past. When we had a car and drove we would take off and head that way or to Julian and Cuyamaca. I'm sure we will do more  mountain rides with Bill while he is here for a month.

Laura and I will continue to read the Bible together and pray as we have determined to do this year. It is hard to be consistent but we make an effort. She does her own reading too. Paul is faithful year after year in his Bible reading. Oh to be so faithful.

My prayers are for each of our dear ones. I pray for Kathy and her sweet family. I pray for our sons to know the Lord. And I pray for Laura each day. God Bless each one that I love. Hugs  :)

Photo credit: Markusram

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Paul's Surgery - December 2000

Ten years ago Paul was in the hospital awaiting heart surgery. On Christmas 2000 we enjoyed a family Christmas with my sister and brother-in-law here from L.A. in addition to Paul, Laura, Griff and me. Paul's Uncle El and at least one other relative had dropped by for a visit that day too. This reminded me of some of our previous multi-generation Christmases in years past.

In the late afternoon, after most of the family had gone home, Paul and Griff were moving some large logs onto Griff's truck. We had cut down a large tree earlier in the year and were trying to make use of the remaining logs. This was also the year that Paul knew he needed to eventually have heart surgery. After helping to move the logs Paul said that maybe he shouldn't have done that and then he fell. I asked him if I should call 911 and he said no.

He got up and tried to walk toward the house but didn't get very far when he crashed and bumped his head and was definitely in trouble. We didn't ask him this time if he needed help. 911 was called and he was taken to UCSD Medical Center in Hillcrest as they have a trauma unit at that hospital. Thankfully Griff was still here as he was able to take Laura and me to the hospital.

Paul would be staying at the hospital at least overnight. The next day it was determined that he had a heart attack. All tests verified what we already knew, that he needed his aortic heart valve replaced. He probably needed bypass surgery too. Surgery was scheduled for the next to last day of the year.

On Saturday, December 30th Madeline and Steve took Laura and me to the hospital, and they waited and prayed with us while Paul spent many hours in surgery. Griff came from Valley Center to be with us too. Pastor Larry joined us in the long wait to find out how Paul was doing. When the surgeon finally finished the operation he came to tell us that Paul's heart valve had been replaced along with a double bypass and an aneurysm repaired in his aorta. The valve had been the worst one he had seen in his years as a surgeon. He would have done a triple bypass but Paul had spent enough time in surgery.

Paul was healing as expected and it would not be long till he could go home. But on January 2nd and then again two days later he had cardiac arrest. Each time he had to be shocked back into normal heart rhythm. One of those times he actually had two cardiac failures and was shocked back a third time. It is with much appreciation from me that the nurses did a good job. Imagine waking up to the phone call in the middle of the night that your loved one had been through this trauma. Thankfully Paul survived this crisis.

One morning when I went to visit him there were a number of heart doctors around his bed deciding what to do to prevent this from happening again. It was decided to implant a defibrillator-pacemaker, so on the 8th this procedure was done. He was in the hospital for three weeks, from Christmas until January 16th. He began 2001 in the hospital. He had not been allowed out of bed at all during those three weeks so needed to regain his strength to be able to walk again. He had a visiting nurse to check on him for a short time, as well as an occupational therapist to be sure he was ok.

I could end the saga here, but I want to share how God provides. Laura and I almost always had a ride to go see Paul in the hospital. It didn't matter whether it was raining or not, and we had a number of rainy days at that time. Friends and family took time out of their busy days to go see Paul and to take us to Hillcrest to the hospital. We barely had to use public transportation to make the trip. I remember going by bus on January 1st and making very good connections so even that day was a blessing. I don't remember any days with bad connections.

Then five years later when Paul broke his ankle we again experienced God's provision with rides each week. Paul needed to go to UCSD Medical Center in Hillcrest each week to have his ankle checked. He had surgery on his ankle and the incision was slow in healing so this was a concern. This meant a new cast every week for some time even though the bone was healing nicely. This also meant a need for a ride every week which we had from different friends and family. Paul was in a wheelchair for several months that time. And the wheelchair was from a neighbor. We are certainly blessed.  :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas One and All

It is Christmas Eve Eve, two days before Christmas. Shoppers are out fighting the crowds and what is left of the giant puddles from this week's storm. Many are wrapping gifts and rushing to get their remaining cards in the mail. Cookies are baking and final preparations are being planned for the big meal on Christmas day. Some are finding time to sweep the corners of each room. Final decorations are put on the table. The big day is just around the corner.

I have been in this mode in years past, but now days I don't get much past the sending of the cards or posting my greetings on the computer. I made some cards earlier in the year with intentions of making more. The ones I sent were appreciated, I'm sure, and I would have liked to make more. I gathered together more cards and personalized them with notes and stickers which is fun to do. Cards are still my thing to do as I can share the good news of Jesus to those near and far. I love my friends and family and don't want to lose touch.

Presents are few this year but I haven't forgotten those I love. It is not about the money spent. It is about caring for others and praying for the very best for them. The good news is in the Bible. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3: 16. God's gift to us is what is most important. We need to accept that gift for it to make a difference in our lives. How would we like it if our gifts were rejected? How would I like it if someone did not like the card I created for them? God gives more than a material gift or card. He gives His only begotten Son.

I haven't put out my favorite decorations as I used to. There are always things on display that would have to be moved and the kitties are too helpful now days. There is no tree for them to climb. I do miss these festive things but I don't want to fight the cats, and trees cost more than I'm willing to pay in this day and age. I remember the thought I used to put into getting just the right tree. It may have been a Charlie Brown tree but it was beautiful when I finished with it. I was going to make a wreath but that didn't happen either. I put an old one that I had previously made on the door. I like the simplicity of this old wreath. One year I made a tree out of the branches I trimmed off the juniper in our front yard. It was fun to do. The juniper also makes nice wreaths, but they are hard on the hands while putting them together.

This year I did go through some of the decorations and gave some to Josie. She appreciates my old stuff. In the past I have sent some of our decorations to Kathy and the girls. Now I like to buy them one or two new decorations to add to their collections. Melissa Joy gets joy decorations. Newlyweds get something to remind them of their first year together. I used to buy ornaments that were meant to go to each of my children eventually. Those ornaments have seen their better days by now.

The turkey is out of the freezer and in the refrigerator waiting to be prepared. I may do it a day earlier and not spend all day on Christmas in the kitchen. This is a tradition in many families as they even have their main celebration on Christmas eve. There are other foods to put in the oven on Christmas. I wish I were ambitious to make cookies as homemade cookies are the best. Maybe I will do that again someday. We will have plenty on Christmas. Our son Griff will be here along with our daughter Laura, Paul and me. We have more than enough for so few of us.

I remember the days of four generation family Christmases. The house would be full with Greats and Grands and even an Aunt or an Uncle. That was a real blessing to me. I loved it when our granddaughters were in San Diego along with their brother and their parents. My niece lived with us for five years so she was part of the mix, along with her dog. That is when we had dogs too so there was a lot going on. I can't believe all that we were able to do even with a full house. But the kids jumped in and helped keep things going.

Paul's brother and his family still have big family gatherings at one of the younger generation's homes.  We receive letters from Charlie and Edye with pictures enclosed that show all the generations together. Charlie's family is still giving him grandchildren. They have a ways to go before there are greats. They have a great family though.

Santa Laura just came in from her one shopping trip of the year that she goes alone. She can't take me as there would be no surprises for her mother then. When Griff arrives at our house on Thanksgiving and Christmas he usually fills the refrigerator or cupboard. What a blessing. Bill already sent his surprise in the mail. His best gift is when he comes all the way from Florida and then takes us places. This year Kathy and John came from Colorado to see us in July which was part of our year of family gatherings. We got to go to Griff's a number of times during the year, each time someone was here to take us.

This has been a year of many blessings. There were vacations to see loved ones. Paul got to enjoy a lot of bird watching with our son Bill. There was an engagement announcement and then Becky and Jay got married. And last but not least Becky and Jay became parents of our new little great grandson, Jacob Marcus Van Maanen on December 13th. So we have another Christmas baby in the family.

We had another Christmas baby in 1962 when Griff was born the day after Christmas. He was our fourth baby, second son. I got what I wanted for Christmas that year as I always wanted two boys and two girls. He gets cheated out of a special day of his own many years. I always tried to do something special for each child on their birthdays and made an effort not to cheat him out of a birthday even though it was the 26th. He doesn't like to make a big deal about it. Often he gets candles on one of the Christmas pies. But when he was little it needed to be a cake. I thank God for my family.

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2 : 11
Let us remember the true meaning of Christmas. Remember the One we are celebrating. May our hearts be touched by the Saviour.   Hugs. :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Becoming a Great Grandmother

Becky, baby Jacob, and Jay
Today, December 13, 2010, our little great grandson, Jacob Marcus Van Maanen, was born by C section. He was scheduled for noon Colorado time, but I don't know what the hour was when he made his entrance into the world. He had a low heart rate during delivery or before he was born. Then he had trouble beginning to breathe so it was a difficult time for him. He now has a good heart rate, but due to the earlier difficulty he has low blood sugar and oxygen so is in the NICU. He should be ok in a day or two.

NICU is something you see on TV programs, not a place for babies we know. I have a good friend that volunteers in the NICU in one of our San Diego hospitals. She holds the tiny infants as it is very beneficial for them to be held. Little Jacob spent time with his parents and grandparents being held today. We have the traditional pictures of him being held by each one there. His Aunt Melissa posted them on Facebook for us to see.

The Van Maanens with Daddy Jay
This is Paul's and my first great grandchild. Here I am all excited and telling the world about Becky and Jay's little baby boy. Paul had to double check with me about the relationship Jacob is to us. He knew, but wasn't positive. He has always taken a back seat to this parenting business. But he is trying. He knows to pray for this precious baby boy.

I notice that Becky has referred to him as Jake. Our daughter Kathy, the new grandmother, also called him Jake in her recent Facebook comment. I'll probably end up calling him Jake too. In the Old Testament Rebekah had Jacob. In our family Rebecca had Jacob. Baby Jacob is named after one of his Daddy's grandfathers or great grandfathers. We have a lot of "J" names in our family. Jacob's parents are Jason or Jay and Rebecca Jean. Kathy and I both have Jean as middle names. Then there is John Golden, Becky's Dad, Jacob's grandfather. I don't remember all the names in the Van Maanen family. But we have Joy in our family, Melissa Joy.

The Goldens

We are now greats, but Paul's brother Charlie is still having new little grandchildren. His son Eric and Eric's wife Kara are expecting their second baby girl early in the new year. Their little Grace was born on my husband's birthday in 2009, so I will not forget her special day.

Today would be my late brother-in-law Sam's birthday. I will always think of Sam on Jacob's birthday. We end up having a number of repeat birthdays. My cousin had her last child on my mother's last birthday before she went to be with the Lord. So that was a nice birthday present for Mom.

I am thankful for family. I am thankful for this new generation in our family. God has such a great plan for families.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.  And God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." Genesis 1:27,28

Photos by Melissa Joy Golden

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December Markers

December is a month of many markers in the lives of those we love. We grow up looking forward to the arrival of Santa Claus as well as being able to see the beautiful decorations around town. Some of us enjoy December birthdays. My birthday is early in December so it is a good way to begin the celebrations. I officially met Paul in December when I was a teenager.

My friend Joan gave me a surprise sixteenth birthday party. This was my first birthday party other than family celebrations. It may have been a day or two before my birthday. We all went to the Village Theater to see a movie as part of the evening's events. After leaving the theater Joan saw her good friend George walking with a friend. She asked him to come to the party with us and he said he would if he could bring his friend. George introduced Paul to us and that is our official meeting, the day of my sixteenth birthday party.

Actually George is Paul's cousin by marriage as his late mother was married to Paul's late uncle. We are still good friends with George even though he lives in Seattle. He gets down once a year to see family and friends. We will see him next week. He would have come by today but we didn't want to share our colds. He is going to take us to see another cousin later next week.

Paul's mother also had a December birthday, the first day of winter. She also drew her final breath on her 60th birthday. Paul's mother was the best grandmother ever to our children. Nothing against my mother as she loved being a grandmother too. My mom was the lady with the paint overalls on and climbing a ladder to take care of business. Paul's mother was the grandma with apron on and a full cookie jar. They were both tops in what they could do. I need to find the Neil Morgan column that mentions my mother.

My brother-in-law, Sam Hamilton, also had a December birthday. His birthday was on the 13th. My sister Betty married Sam when my children were little. They are both gone now, but we have special memories of them over the years. Sam was in the Navy when he married my sister. They spent enough time in our area for our children to enjoy each other's company. They spent one year in Hawaii where their youngest son was born. They moved to Billings, Montana when Sam got out of the Navy. They came to San Diego on vacations and to help us when Mom died. We had vacations in Montana and went to Yellowstone with them. Mom and Frank used to go to Montana on annual vacations. Betty and Sam are survived by Gary, Elizabeth, Matthew and Mark. They also had four much loved grandchildren.

We also had a dear neighbor, Mary, that had a birthday on December 13th. She was 90 years old and is now in Heaven. Her son has been our neighbor since the seventies and continues to be a good neighbor.

I have other good friends with December birthdays. Betty Clark's birthday is on the third. Unless I am wrong and it is the first. It is right next to my birthday. One time I had a friend with my December second birthday. And an ex brother-in-law has the same birthday as me. He is one year older though. He is Arthur and Debra's father. (my nephew and niece)

In 1960 when our son Bill was an infant we lost my Grandma McDonaugh on December 26th. We lived just one block from her on F Avenue. It was so nice to have my grandma nearby along with one aunt and an uncle. My parents also lived on the same block so I was used to a lot of family nearby. Paul's family was all in town too. The day of my grandmother's funeral was the last time I saw some of my relatives as they mainly came to Coronado to see Grandma. Dad was the youngest son in a large family.

Two years later on December 26th our youngest son Griff was born. We had spent part of Christmas at my parents' new home in what is now Otay Mesa (West). They were in the first houses built in this area in the early sixties. We enjoyed the day with the children at my parents', and then at home in Coronado I tucked the children into their beds and then decided it was time to go to Mercy Hospital. I called Paul's father to take me as we had no car. We had to go on the ferry in the middle of the night to get to San Diego. When we were on the ferry I said to Pop that I wasn't real sure if I was in labor. He said,"You better be." It was not the most convenient time to be unsure. Good thing that I really was in labor and not having a false alarm. Our new baby boy was born the morning of December 26th. He was named Griffith Hughes Marvin after Paul's late grandfather Griffith Hughes Jones.

Enough of my December musings. Time to do my Christmas cards or December 25th will come and go without sending many greetings. "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11

Next Monday on December 13th we are anticipating the birth of another baby boy. Jacob will be born to our granddaughter Rebecca Jean and Jason Van Maanen.

Image credits:AlicePopkornFoxtongue*L*u*z*A*

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7th

We remember Pearl Harbor today. This has been a day to remember those lost during a most disastrous time in U.S. history. Some remember that day in 1941 as if it were yesterday. The numbers of those that were there are quickly dwindling. I was a child living in Washington state at the time and the only thing about that period of time that I recall is what has been repeated to me. My dad told about hearing the news on the radio while the rest of the family was in church. He had been sitting with us, so the story goes, but went outside with my youngest sister who was a toddler at the time. (He said he had pinched her so he could take her outside).

Paul's Aunt Helen Wyatt was in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 as her husband was stationed there aboard one of the ships. Uncle Ernest and his shipmates missed being attacked as their ship was out of the harbor that particular day. Aunt Helen was at home with their little daughter Jean. I do not recall any more details except to say their family lived to tell about it. I got to know Jean when we were both in fourth grade together in Coronado.

Paul's first recollection of the war was when his dad and their family friend, Bruce, were slaughtering the bunnies for the family to eat while they were away.  The men had to go to war, but first they made sure the family would have food on the table. Not that the family really wanted to eat the bunnies. There are a lot of hard realities in life and killing for food is one of them. Killing during war is an even worse reality. Thankfully the menfolk Paul knew all came home from the war. I also did not suffer any loss in my family. My father was not well and did not pass the physical to go into the military.

Today, December 7, 2010, finds our friends, the Branneys, suffering a big loss in their family. I received a call this morning from Ron Branney that his dear wife, Kathy, had gone to be with the Lord. He is at peace about this as he knows the Lord and has been praying with her and is sure that she was ready to meet the Lord. He got the call from the doctor at four A.M. He was ready for the call and feels she is in a better place now. We will be here for him when he needs an ear to hear. Right now he has family with him. I pray that they find the peace that their father has. Kathy had serious health issues for quite some time and experienced numerous hospitalizations.

Kathy Branney was my Scrabble friend. Playing Scrabble will not be the same with anyone else. She and I played mostly for fun and bent a few rules. We played hours on end and divided the wins, but she often won more than me. Originally, in the eighties, we would play once a week. But in recent years we would go months without a game. We played once this fall and maybe just a few times all year. I first met Kathy because her oldest and my youngest son were friends. We are neighbors, but they live around the block from us. The boys met in fifth grade and were good friends for a number of years. They both grew up and went their separate ways. But Rick still asks me about Griff.

A little more than a year ago Ron invited Paul to go to his Saturday morning Bible Study group with him. I was surprised when Paul said yes and went. Paul loves to read the Bible but is more of a loner so I was pleased he decided to go with Ron. He needs fellowship with other men as well as studying the Bible. This is a group from Ron's church and they meet in a restaurant in Chula Vista. I'm also glad Paul and Ron are getting to know each other better. For a long time Ron teased me that I didn't have a husband as Paul never went with me to their parties and it took a long time for them to meet each other.

As in many relationships there were words left unsaid. I should have spoken more about the Lord. I needed to say "I'm sorry" as well as telling her I appreciated her. Who else do I need to apologize to, or to say something to lift them up? The Bible tells us to care for one another and to be kind to one another. We learn these lessons in Sunday School, but do we take them with us throughout life? It does help to get enough sleep and not get grumpy. Sometimes people see the worst in us because we are having a bad day. I don't want people to see the worst in me so I better stay close to the Lord and be filled with His Spirit. "Rejoice in the Lord always" Philippians 4:4

Five years ago today Paul and I were in North Carolina with our son Bill. This was one of the two trips Paul and I took to the Atlantic coast to spend time with our son. We enjoyed two ferry rides and the islands along the coast of NC on December 7th 2005. I enjoyed seeing the lighthouses; and of course Paul and Bill were birding throughout the whole trip. We are looking forward to Bill coming to San Diego in the very near future.

Next week we will have another milestone in our family. Paul and I will welcome the first of our next generation to our family. Actually I wish I could be in Colorado to welcome little Jacob into the fold on December 13th. Becky has a C section scheduled for Monday. Our daughter Kathy will be a grandmother. What a blessing.  This blessing is on my late brother-in-law, Sam Hamilton's, birthday. We will be thinking of Sam that day too.

So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.          1 Corinthians 15:54-58

Image credits: .:[ Melissa ]:.twob

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Most Unusual Job

When we first moved to this house in 1973 we were warmly welcomed by many of the neighbors and I had opportunity to get to know some of them quite well. Some of us were in and out of each other's homes a number of times a week. We had children of various ages and some of them were friends with each other. My youngest was ten years old and the oldest was out of high school. I baby sat for some of the little ones in our court. Over the years we have seen the first babies grow up and have babies of their own. Some have stayed in our neighborhood. I'm like a grandmother to some of "my" original babies. I baby sat for them until they were too old for such things. 

It was fun when we were first on the block and the children came over to play board games. As the years went by the little ones that I baby sat for enjoyed card games as well as some newer board games. I can't remember how to play most of those games anymore. One game we learned and I want to relearn is Backgammon. I spent a lot of time at several of the other houses as I baby sat in their homes mostly. I don't get to the other homes much anymore, or have neighbors here, as things change over the years. There are neighbors who would enjoy a friendly visit, I'm sure.

One neighbor, who was a good friend, had a Santa Clause business that she inherited from her father. She hired Santas for different shopping centers. She had beautiful Santa suits, wigs and beards for the Santas to use. One year she hired another neighbor and me to wash and groom the wigs and beards. This was a fun time for neighbor chit chat and keeping our hands busy. We were both novices at this grooming wigs and beards business but I guess it was satisfactory. Say wigs and beards real fast several times and you get "bigs and wierds." The Santa business didn't last too many more years due to a divorce. This was sad since her father started the business.

So my longest job was caring for some of the neighbor children. And the most unusual was grooming wigs and beards. My shortest lasting job was when my neighbor helped me get a job bagging groceries at the commissary at North Island. I always thought that bagging groceries would be a good job for me. Well that was one of my worst days ever. If anything could go wrong it did. I had a ride each way with my neighbor and was crying on the way home. I refused to go back. It wasn't like they had my name written on a contract. I didn't even get the name tag I was supposed to wear. Of course that was cause for criticism. As for doing the job, I did my best, even following instruction. That was a negative. It wasn't as if I had never worked in a store before. I worked at an old variety store in Coronado for more than a year. It was a good job.

My favorite job is being a mother and grandmother, as well as being a wife. That is one reason child care works nicely for me. But I think I'm retired from that, unless family really needed me to help. I loved caring for my granddaughters when they were little and lived in San Diego. Now they live in Colorado and are adults with their own responsibilities. Melissa works in a preschool and goes to college. Becky is expecting her baby any day now. 

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Well Laid Plans

Each year I think I will finish our Christmas cards early, but each December finds me needing to address the many cards I intend to mail. I made some cards earlier this year as I did last year. It is fun to be creative and to use old cards to make new ones. I would make all of the cards if possible. I also have some other nice cards to send to friends and family so have plenty to choose from.

I sent a small amount of Thanksgiving cards and was able to get most of them in the mail early. This should have been the pattern to follow for our Christmas greetings too. We have received some beautiful Christmas cards already and I have yet to address any. It is always a pleasant surprise to find Christmas cards tucked among my birthday cards early in December each year.

Plans go out the window when you get sick. I managed to get a bad cold and did not want to leave my chair for several days. All scheduled events had to go on without me. I missed my own birthday if that included going someplace. But I wasn't forgotten by friends and family. I am truly blessed. But I would have loved to be at Bible Study at FBC and share in the baby shower for one of our sweet ladies. I also missed an event I was scheduled for at Westview Bible Church. I did not want to share this cold.

Sorry to say that Paul and Laura now have colds too. So guess none of us will be in Church tomorrow. I hate to miss going to either Westview or to our old Church in Coronado. I have strong ties to Coronado and newer ties to Westview in Imperial Beach. Both are precious to me. How can I leave the place that has been home for so many years? Laura is very happy just going to Westview. Paul would probably be happy going along with Laura. But I am not ready to let go of the place that has been such a blessing for so long. They have been so good to us. For now we mainly go to the place nearer home which is Westview. But Paul and I get to Coronado at least once a month. And I stay active with the Ladies Bible Study at First Baptist Church in Coronado.

This was intended to be about sending Christmas greetings and also about well made plans. The greetings will be sent, hopefully not late. The calendar may be full but I have to be willing to let go of things if need be. I want to do each activity planned and that would have been nice this week. But we never know what tomorrow may bring. Last week my sister, Donna, wasn't going to come down for Thanksgiving since she had a bad cold. But on Thanksgiving eve her brother-in-law died so Donna and Fred's plans were changed. They needed to come to be with his family in Chula Vista. So we got to see them after all. But it was a sad time for their family.

During the year I have thoughts of what I would like to do for loved ones at Christmas. As time passes it becomes obvious that these plans are not possible. We always have to minimize what we do. It is a good thing that it is the thought that counts because that is mostly what we give now days. A small package for each grandchild and for our four children are at the top of the list. Postage costs more than what they contain, some years. I have other small gifts on the list that I try to buy. I consider cards to be the main part of our Christmas giving. Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Trying to share that precious message is the most important thing for me.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Image credits:Jerine; calsidyroseLauren Manning