It was fun when we were first on the block and the children came over to play board games. As the years went by the little ones that I baby sat for enjoyed card games as well as some newer board games. I can't remember how to play most of those games anymore. One game we learned and I want to relearn is Backgammon. I spent a lot of time at several of the other houses as I baby sat in their homes mostly. I don't get to the other homes much anymore, or have neighbors here, as things change over the years. There are neighbors who would enjoy a friendly visit, I'm sure.
One neighbor, who was a good friend, had a Santa Clause business that she inherited from her father. She hired Santas for different shopping centers. She had beautiful Santa suits, wigs and beards for the Santas to use. One year she hired another neighbor and me to wash and groom the wigs and beards. This was a fun time for neighbor chit chat and keeping our hands busy. We were both novices at this grooming wigs and beards business but I guess it was satisfactory. Say wigs and beards real fast several times and you get "bigs and wierds." The Santa business didn't last too many more years due to a divorce. This was sad since her father started the business.

My favorite job is being a mother and grandmother, as well as being a wife. That is one reason child care works nicely for me. But I think I'm retired from that, unless family really needed me to help. I loved caring for my granddaughters when they were little and lived in San Diego. Now they live in Colorado and are adults with their own responsibilities. Melissa works in a preschool and goes to college. Becky is expecting her baby any day now.
Image Credits: LadyDragonflyCC; Aoife city womanchile
Wow! I had no idea how many different things you've done over the years. :) Sounds like lots of interesting opportunities and of course, the one job that was horrific - I think we all have had one of those. Great read!! Hugs my friend!