Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas One and All

It is Christmas Eve Eve, two days before Christmas. Shoppers are out fighting the crowds and what is left of the giant puddles from this week's storm. Many are wrapping gifts and rushing to get their remaining cards in the mail. Cookies are baking and final preparations are being planned for the big meal on Christmas day. Some are finding time to sweep the corners of each room. Final decorations are put on the table. The big day is just around the corner.

I have been in this mode in years past, but now days I don't get much past the sending of the cards or posting my greetings on the computer. I made some cards earlier in the year with intentions of making more. The ones I sent were appreciated, I'm sure, and I would have liked to make more. I gathered together more cards and personalized them with notes and stickers which is fun to do. Cards are still my thing to do as I can share the good news of Jesus to those near and far. I love my friends and family and don't want to lose touch.

Presents are few this year but I haven't forgotten those I love. It is not about the money spent. It is about caring for others and praying for the very best for them. The good news is in the Bible. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3: 16. God's gift to us is what is most important. We need to accept that gift for it to make a difference in our lives. How would we like it if our gifts were rejected? How would I like it if someone did not like the card I created for them? God gives more than a material gift or card. He gives His only begotten Son.

I haven't put out my favorite decorations as I used to. There are always things on display that would have to be moved and the kitties are too helpful now days. There is no tree for them to climb. I do miss these festive things but I don't want to fight the cats, and trees cost more than I'm willing to pay in this day and age. I remember the thought I used to put into getting just the right tree. It may have been a Charlie Brown tree but it was beautiful when I finished with it. I was going to make a wreath but that didn't happen either. I put an old one that I had previously made on the door. I like the simplicity of this old wreath. One year I made a tree out of the branches I trimmed off the juniper in our front yard. It was fun to do. The juniper also makes nice wreaths, but they are hard on the hands while putting them together.

This year I did go through some of the decorations and gave some to Josie. She appreciates my old stuff. In the past I have sent some of our decorations to Kathy and the girls. Now I like to buy them one or two new decorations to add to their collections. Melissa Joy gets joy decorations. Newlyweds get something to remind them of their first year together. I used to buy ornaments that were meant to go to each of my children eventually. Those ornaments have seen their better days by now.

The turkey is out of the freezer and in the refrigerator waiting to be prepared. I may do it a day earlier and not spend all day on Christmas in the kitchen. This is a tradition in many families as they even have their main celebration on Christmas eve. There are other foods to put in the oven on Christmas. I wish I were ambitious to make cookies as homemade cookies are the best. Maybe I will do that again someday. We will have plenty on Christmas. Our son Griff will be here along with our daughter Laura, Paul and me. We have more than enough for so few of us.

I remember the days of four generation family Christmases. The house would be full with Greats and Grands and even an Aunt or an Uncle. That was a real blessing to me. I loved it when our granddaughters were in San Diego along with their brother and their parents. My niece lived with us for five years so she was part of the mix, along with her dog. That is when we had dogs too so there was a lot going on. I can't believe all that we were able to do even with a full house. But the kids jumped in and helped keep things going.

Paul's brother and his family still have big family gatherings at one of the younger generation's homes.  We receive letters from Charlie and Edye with pictures enclosed that show all the generations together. Charlie's family is still giving him grandchildren. They have a ways to go before there are greats. They have a great family though.

Santa Laura just came in from her one shopping trip of the year that she goes alone. She can't take me as there would be no surprises for her mother then. When Griff arrives at our house on Thanksgiving and Christmas he usually fills the refrigerator or cupboard. What a blessing. Bill already sent his surprise in the mail. His best gift is when he comes all the way from Florida and then takes us places. This year Kathy and John came from Colorado to see us in July which was part of our year of family gatherings. We got to go to Griff's a number of times during the year, each time someone was here to take us.

This has been a year of many blessings. There were vacations to see loved ones. Paul got to enjoy a lot of bird watching with our son Bill. There was an engagement announcement and then Becky and Jay got married. And last but not least Becky and Jay became parents of our new little great grandson, Jacob Marcus Van Maanen on December 13th. So we have another Christmas baby in the family.

We had another Christmas baby in 1962 when Griff was born the day after Christmas. He was our fourth baby, second son. I got what I wanted for Christmas that year as I always wanted two boys and two girls. He gets cheated out of a special day of his own many years. I always tried to do something special for each child on their birthdays and made an effort not to cheat him out of a birthday even though it was the 26th. He doesn't like to make a big deal about it. Often he gets candles on one of the Christmas pies. But when he was little it needed to be a cake. I thank God for my family.

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2 : 11
Let us remember the true meaning of Christmas. Remember the One we are celebrating. May our hearts be touched by the Saviour.   Hugs. :)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Caroline, absolutely beautiful and so very touching. What an wonderful example you are to those who know you and a beautiful reflection to the world around you. HUGS!!
