Monday, December 13, 2010

Becoming a Great Grandmother

Becky, baby Jacob, and Jay
Today, December 13, 2010, our little great grandson, Jacob Marcus Van Maanen, was born by C section. He was scheduled for noon Colorado time, but I don't know what the hour was when he made his entrance into the world. He had a low heart rate during delivery or before he was born. Then he had trouble beginning to breathe so it was a difficult time for him. He now has a good heart rate, but due to the earlier difficulty he has low blood sugar and oxygen so is in the NICU. He should be ok in a day or two.

NICU is something you see on TV programs, not a place for babies we know. I have a good friend that volunteers in the NICU in one of our San Diego hospitals. She holds the tiny infants as it is very beneficial for them to be held. Little Jacob spent time with his parents and grandparents being held today. We have the traditional pictures of him being held by each one there. His Aunt Melissa posted them on Facebook for us to see.

The Van Maanens with Daddy Jay
This is Paul's and my first great grandchild. Here I am all excited and telling the world about Becky and Jay's little baby boy. Paul had to double check with me about the relationship Jacob is to us. He knew, but wasn't positive. He has always taken a back seat to this parenting business. But he is trying. He knows to pray for this precious baby boy.

I notice that Becky has referred to him as Jake. Our daughter Kathy, the new grandmother, also called him Jake in her recent Facebook comment. I'll probably end up calling him Jake too. In the Old Testament Rebekah had Jacob. In our family Rebecca had Jacob. Baby Jacob is named after one of his Daddy's grandfathers or great grandfathers. We have a lot of "J" names in our family. Jacob's parents are Jason or Jay and Rebecca Jean. Kathy and I both have Jean as middle names. Then there is John Golden, Becky's Dad, Jacob's grandfather. I don't remember all the names in the Van Maanen family. But we have Joy in our family, Melissa Joy.

The Goldens

We are now greats, but Paul's brother Charlie is still having new little grandchildren. His son Eric and Eric's wife Kara are expecting their second baby girl early in the new year. Their little Grace was born on my husband's birthday in 2009, so I will not forget her special day.

Today would be my late brother-in-law Sam's birthday. I will always think of Sam on Jacob's birthday. We end up having a number of repeat birthdays. My cousin had her last child on my mother's last birthday before she went to be with the Lord. So that was a nice birthday present for Mom.

I am thankful for family. I am thankful for this new generation in our family. God has such a great plan for families.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.  And God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." Genesis 1:27,28

Photos by Melissa Joy Golden

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