Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7th

We remember Pearl Harbor today. This has been a day to remember those lost during a most disastrous time in U.S. history. Some remember that day in 1941 as if it were yesterday. The numbers of those that were there are quickly dwindling. I was a child living in Washington state at the time and the only thing about that period of time that I recall is what has been repeated to me. My dad told about hearing the news on the radio while the rest of the family was in church. He had been sitting with us, so the story goes, but went outside with my youngest sister who was a toddler at the time. (He said he had pinched her so he could take her outside).

Paul's Aunt Helen Wyatt was in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 as her husband was stationed there aboard one of the ships. Uncle Ernest and his shipmates missed being attacked as their ship was out of the harbor that particular day. Aunt Helen was at home with their little daughter Jean. I do not recall any more details except to say their family lived to tell about it. I got to know Jean when we were both in fourth grade together in Coronado.

Paul's first recollection of the war was when his dad and their family friend, Bruce, were slaughtering the bunnies for the family to eat while they were away.  The men had to go to war, but first they made sure the family would have food on the table. Not that the family really wanted to eat the bunnies. There are a lot of hard realities in life and killing for food is one of them. Killing during war is an even worse reality. Thankfully the menfolk Paul knew all came home from the war. I also did not suffer any loss in my family. My father was not well and did not pass the physical to go into the military.

Today, December 7, 2010, finds our friends, the Branneys, suffering a big loss in their family. I received a call this morning from Ron Branney that his dear wife, Kathy, had gone to be with the Lord. He is at peace about this as he knows the Lord and has been praying with her and is sure that she was ready to meet the Lord. He got the call from the doctor at four A.M. He was ready for the call and feels she is in a better place now. We will be here for him when he needs an ear to hear. Right now he has family with him. I pray that they find the peace that their father has. Kathy had serious health issues for quite some time and experienced numerous hospitalizations.

Kathy Branney was my Scrabble friend. Playing Scrabble will not be the same with anyone else. She and I played mostly for fun and bent a few rules. We played hours on end and divided the wins, but she often won more than me. Originally, in the eighties, we would play once a week. But in recent years we would go months without a game. We played once this fall and maybe just a few times all year. I first met Kathy because her oldest and my youngest son were friends. We are neighbors, but they live around the block from us. The boys met in fifth grade and were good friends for a number of years. They both grew up and went their separate ways. But Rick still asks me about Griff.

A little more than a year ago Ron invited Paul to go to his Saturday morning Bible Study group with him. I was surprised when Paul said yes and went. Paul loves to read the Bible but is more of a loner so I was pleased he decided to go with Ron. He needs fellowship with other men as well as studying the Bible. This is a group from Ron's church and they meet in a restaurant in Chula Vista. I'm also glad Paul and Ron are getting to know each other better. For a long time Ron teased me that I didn't have a husband as Paul never went with me to their parties and it took a long time for them to meet each other.

As in many relationships there were words left unsaid. I should have spoken more about the Lord. I needed to say "I'm sorry" as well as telling her I appreciated her. Who else do I need to apologize to, or to say something to lift them up? The Bible tells us to care for one another and to be kind to one another. We learn these lessons in Sunday School, but do we take them with us throughout life? It does help to get enough sleep and not get grumpy. Sometimes people see the worst in us because we are having a bad day. I don't want people to see the worst in me so I better stay close to the Lord and be filled with His Spirit. "Rejoice in the Lord always" Philippians 4:4

Five years ago today Paul and I were in North Carolina with our son Bill. This was one of the two trips Paul and I took to the Atlantic coast to spend time with our son. We enjoyed two ferry rides and the islands along the coast of NC on December 7th 2005. I enjoyed seeing the lighthouses; and of course Paul and Bill were birding throughout the whole trip. We are looking forward to Bill coming to San Diego in the very near future.

Next week we will have another milestone in our family. Paul and I will welcome the first of our next generation to our family. Actually I wish I could be in Colorado to welcome little Jacob into the fold on December 13th. Becky has a C section scheduled for Monday. Our daughter Kathy will be a grandmother. What a blessing.  This blessing is on my late brother-in-law, Sam Hamilton's, birthday. We will be thinking of Sam that day too.

So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.          1 Corinthians 15:54-58

Image credits: .:[ Melissa ]:.twob

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