Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Blessings- 2011

It is New Years Eve, Friday, December 31, 2010. I was thinking about things people do to begin the New Year.  The other day when we were walking at LaJolla Cove we saw some swimmers going into the cold Pacific Ocean. It was nine in the morning and I was wearing a jacket. But those faithful swimmers were doing their morning ritual no matter the weather. I can picture them jumping into the icy waters on the first day of the year. We see pictures of people in the news doing their Polar plunge each year. I'll stay in my warm jacket and watch the brave souls. Makes me shiver thinking about them.

Laura and I read the book, "Swimming to Antarctica," by Lynne Cox. She is a long distance swimmer and likes the challenge of very cold water. It was an enjoyable book, but I'll leave the endurance records to her and just read about it. I admire people who get out there and challenge themselves like that.

Bruce, Charlie, Swede, Clarence
Paul's brother loves to go cycling every day. Charlie and some of his friends who are all in their 70s, except one may be in his 60s, enjoy an annual cycling trip together. They have done the Rockies in Canada and points south. This year they were in the North Cascades. Each year they will be a little more south during their excursion. They impress me each year as they continue this tradition of pedaling up hill and down for great distances and enjoying the scenery. These fine gentlemen are all graduates of Coronado High School.

Some people begin the year on a birding expedition. That is bird watching to most people. Paul and our son Bill enjoy starting the year this way. The idea is to see how many varieties of birds you can get in a day, or a month, or the year. Paul has a thing about lists so he has lists for each excursion, each month and each year. Plus whatever other list he comes up with. Then some people just enjoy the birds and don't bother with lists. There are people who do an official bird count this time of the year too. Paul used to go on bird walks with the Audubon Society and really enjoyed this activity. When you are with other birders you can find more birds as others may see or hear one that you would not have otherwise. Paul enjoys going with our son as Bill has a good eye and ear for birds. Laura enjoys seeing the birds too.

I'm glad that Bill takes his dad birding as I get to go places and see things I wouldn't get to do otherwise. We get to go to the mountains, the desert and many of the nice coastal areas in San Diego. When we had a car we would be able to do some of these things all through the year. Now we depend on going with family or friends for these adventures. But there are local things to do on the bus. Sometimes we go to the I.B. pier or other nearby walking areas. We need to do this more often.

Some people ring in the New Year with parties or fireworks. Some stay home and watch the festivities on T.V. We are doing good to be awake at midnight. I hope all of my friends and family face the New Year with the Joy of the Lord and may you enjoy the Peace that only He can give. Maybe some are going to ring in the New Year by singing and praying with other believers at the church of their choice. Do remember to count your blessings. Hugs :)

1 comment:

  1. We used to ring in the New Year with our church families, but over the years that seems to be a lost event in churches. :( Happy New Year Caroline and family! You are such a great family and we look forward to spending time with you, via facebook, here on the blog and hopefully in person at times. To God be the glory!
