Friday, November 19, 2010

Lessons Learned.........Part Four

61. One sweet lesson I learned was being a mother-in-law. Kathy's husband John quickly became part of our family. And just a year later, besides becoming a grandmother, I was also blessed with a sweet daughter-in-law. Griff was in the Marines and spent a year in Okinawa. He had the opportunity to visit the Philippines where he met Josie. They were married after he was able to bring her to the states. We became very close and she considered us to be her family since her family was so far away.We shared holidays together as well as other happy times. They never had any children. They were both hard workers and saved up for their long awaited house. But after sixteen years of marriage we received the very sad news that they were not together any more.

62. Eventually Josie met John and they got married. After a number of years they became parents to their cute little Joshua. Despite the fact we are not blood relatives I am Grandma to a sweet little boy. They were in Escondido until they moved to Colorado to be near her sister a year and a half ago when Joshua was not yet two years old. We stay in touch and I got to see them when we were in Colorado this year. They were also in San Diego one time this summer, mainly to see John's ailing father. I pray that they are raising Joshua to know that God is love.

63. We are going to be great grandparents to Becky and Jason's baby boy before this year is over. Becky is now twenty six years old, is married and expecting baby Jacob. Rebecca in the Bible had Jacob and our Rebecca is also having Jacob. They live in Colorado where Becky's family has been since the early '90s when Becky's Dad retired from the Navy. It has not been easy being a long distance grandma. There have been visits to Colorado, and some visits by their family to see us in San Diego. More bus adventures by me to go see them. Laura went with me on the bus once. There have also been several car trips, each a story in itself. I have also gotten used to flying though it is not my favorite thing to do. I have years that I don't get to go to see them. When the girls were in kindergarten and third grade Laura spent most of a school year there so she could help with their care when their parents were working. And now they are all grown up. Melissa is learning to be a preschool teacher. She loves the Lord and her church and friends.

64. Michael has three children but we don't have any contact with them. Kathy and John have barely had opportunity to see them. They would love to though. I saw the oldest one once when she was two and Michael was still with the mommy of his children. I briefly saw the other little girl on two separate occasions. I have not seen Michael's son, little Michael. I would have welcomed the chance to be a grandma to them. They do have grandparents and a great grandmother that care a lot for them. I pray that they get to go to Sunday School and to learn about Jesus.

65. Without knowing the Lord we don't really know the purpose of being here. Even if we love Jesus we sometimes take our eyes off Him and things can go downhill fast. Most of us have gone through these valleys. I have been through a dark valley in the past and only the Lord could change my course.

66. "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.  He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever."  Psalm 23

67. Another lesson we need to learn is forgiveness. Before being forgiven we should be forgiving. I have a problem of not forgetting and that can interfere with forgiving. The Bible tells us that we should forgive the debts of others just as He forgives our debts. God is merciful to us and we need to show mercy to others.

68.We need to let our light shine before men. We need to be a reflection of God's light to the world.

69. Memorizing Bible verses is not easy but we sometimes do it without realizing it. Many songs we sing in church contain scripture and we learn these songs. We remember Bible stories from childhood. These contain Bible verses that we may know. With repetition we can learn.

70. The most recent verse I memorized is James 5:16. "Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." This is the NIV translation. I use King James for verses I learned earlier.

71. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." Matthew 5:8

72. When we were young Christians, and also young parents, we were very much into Christian music. We bought some good records and surrounded ourselves with some favorite old songs and hymns. We listened to George Beverly Shea and Stewart Hamblen as well as other favorites. We didn't hear the popular songs of the day and didn't have a TV so weren't familiar with a lot of 60s songs. I could follow along with "It is no secret what God can do, What He's done for others He'll do for you..." We were blessed with hearing this song again on Sunday at Westview Bible Church.

73. I was blessed with being challenged to learn to lead our Ladies Bible Study at First Baptist Church.  I was used to teaching children for most of my life, but I preferred them very young and did not have skills to lead adults in Bible study. I felt led by the Lord to restart the Ladies Bible Study that did not have someone to lead it. It had been a year since our previous leader had moved. I was so happy to facilitate this group of dear ladies for a number of years. Eventually others stepped in and took turns leading this group. We are always adjusting to change since First Baptist is mostly military and members come and go. There are some old timers like Paul and me and that is good. But we welcome newcomers each week with open arms. Westview is similar but I think there are more old timers there.

74. In celebrating my 74th birthday next month I want to remember that life is always full of changes and challenges. What will the next year bring? Will I meet my maker? I love Jesus and have confessed my sins to my Lord, and know that He will forgive us if we repent and turn to Him. I have put my faith in Him and believe in my heart that I am saved. I am looking forward to more adventures and being able to spend time with loved ones. I'm anxious to meet baby Jacob and any future great grandchildren. Another four generation picture would be nice. But I am ready to sing with the saints in Heaven someday.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I pray that you won't be singing in heaven with the saints too soon. We'd miss you here - but I totally understand the desire to do so.
    Thanks again for sharing, Caroline. I have learned so much about you and I have learned so much from you. Hugs!
