Monday, November 22, 2010

Continuing to be Thankful.

There are more reasons to be thankful than could ever be written, but I will continue to try to express my thankfulness. "O give thanks to the LORD; for He is good: because his mercy endureth for ever." Psalm 118:1

41. We don't have to be Anxious for anything.

42. Now I Belong to Jesus, Jesus Belongs to me.

43. The Lord Comforts me.

44. He is Dependable.

45. It is Encouraging to be part of the Family of God.

46. I know that there is a place in Heaven for me.

47. We have also been blessed with good neighbors. Some are like family to us after living in the same neighborhood for 37 years. Some of the babies I cared for have had babies. What a blessing!

48. I'm thankful that some of our neighbors know the Lord. They have been a blessing to us.

49. I appreciate public transportation and being able to be out and about. Just being able to walk down the street is a blessing.

50. I'm thankful God made animals. We love our kitties. We enjoy all animals.

51. The birds of the sky are such a wonder to behold.

52. The sea and all that is in it were created by God.

53. I'm thankful for Laura's garden.

54. For flowers and trees and all the plants that God put here for our pleasure, I am thankful.

55. How can I not be thankful to live in such a beautiful part of our country? We are blessed.

Today I will close with a favorite poem that used to be above our sink. We have it memorized after looking at it every day for a number of years.

                                                 "Thank God for dirty dishes;
                                                        They have a tale to tell;
                                                 While others may go hungry,
                                                       We're eating very well.

                                             With home and health and happiness
                                                      I shouldn't want to fuss;
                                                  For by the stack of evidence
                                                        God's been good to us."