Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights." James 1:17
The sermon this morning was to remind us to always give thanks to the Lord. All good things come from Him. We need to be thankful to God each day of our lives. Always give thanks to God for all things. Pastor Carey challenged us to make a list of things we are thankful for.

1. I'm thankful that God loves me.

2. I thank God the Father for giving us Jesus, His Son, to save us from our sins.

3. He is Lord of my life.

4. I give thanks for my family. I love each one.

5. I thank God for a Christian husband. I thank God for keeping us together for 56 years.

6. I thank God for my parents who are now with Him. They were hard workers and I appreciate what they did for my sisters and me.

7. I'm thankful for our children, Kathy, Laura, Bill and Griff. Children are a treasure from the Lord.

8. I'm thankful that Kathy married John Golden. I'm glad that he is a fine Christian husband and he is good to her.

9. I'm glad that Kathy and Laura love the Lord.

10. It is a blessing that our sons each served in the military and are honorable men. They are good to us.

11. It is a blessing to be a grandmother. I thank God for Becky and Melissa.

12. I thank God that Becky is married to Jay and they will soon be parents. I'm looking forward to being a great grandmother.

13. I'm thankful that Laura started me on the computer and got me to write this blog.

14. I'm glad that Bill took us on car trips this year. Paul and I got to go to Arizona with Bill. Laura and I got to go to Colorado with him, and we got to see our Colorado family.

15. It is a blessing to have an "adopted family." Josie and her little Joshua are my bonus daughter and grandson. ( She used to be our daughter-in-law.)

16. I thank God for extra special friends. Madeline is my sister in the Lord and friend since third grade. Her family is family to me. I love her dear mother.

17. My "other mother" is dear Rosalie who we have known since we were teen agers. She was our cupid.

18. I must not forget my siblings, Donna and Betty. Betty is not with us any more, but never to be forgotten. Donna has been part of my life since I was a toddler. Thank God for sisters.

19. I am thankful for nieces that are like daughters to me. I also Thank God for all of my nephews and nieces, including greats. They each have a place in my heart.

20. I'm thankful that my niece Elizabeth knows the Lord and is married to a Pastor now.

21. I thank God for new friends as well as old friends. Make new friends and keep the old, One is silver and the other is gold.

22. We have been blessed with being part of First Baptist Church in Coronado since our children were little. We have new and old friends there, brothers and sisters in Christ.

23. We have also been blessed with more dear friends at Westview Bible Church. I have much to be thankful for. Ellen and Dave, thank you for being there. Adria has been part of Laura's life even longer.

24. We are blessed with more brothers and sisters in the Lord than I can say here. Laura's dear friend Bea and her family are also family to me.

25. My Ladies Bible Study has been a real blessing. I thank God for so many sisters in the Lord. Lucia has adopted me as her "mother". Her Mommy is in another country.

26. I thank God for modern technology and getting to know friends better this way. I appreciate Vicki and Laura for encouraging me to blog.

27. Paul's family has always treated me as part of their family. His parents were dear people. His aunts and uncles were my aunts and uncles. Likewise , his cousins are my cousins. Two I knew before I knew Paul. And of course Paul's brother is my brother. And his wife is also another sister.

28. I have another brother-in-law that I also appreciate. Donna's husband, Fred, is family to us.

29. It is a blessing that Melissa, our granddaughter, loves the Lord, her church and her friends. She is in college and has a job as a preschool teacher's assistant. She also plays the violin in a group at church.

30. God is working in the lives of each one, and we pray that all of our loved ones will come to a saving knowledge of God. I'm thankful for answered prayers.

31. God created all things. The heavens declare the Glory of God!!

32. God's grace is sufficient for us.

33. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

34. We are blessed to live in this country. We are free to worship as we choose.

35. We have abundance. We have enough to eat, a roof over our heads and are well clothed.

36. I am glad that I am able to share what I have.

37. I'm thankful that people have been generous to me. Very generous!

38. God gives us peace that comes from knowing Him.

39. God gives us Hope and Joy. "Rejoice in the Lord always." Philippians 4:4   A favorite verse.

40. Today I want to close with some beautiful words Adria wrote on the Thanksgiving card she gave us.

       "He's Still the God of the Impossible.
Nothing is impossible with God. His Majesty rides upon the storm.
He brings clouds and rain in our lives, then gives Rainbows.
He's the God of all Comfort. What a Mighty God we serve."

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