We received the phone call from Elizabeth to let us know that she was a new grandmother. The first time she tried to call me I was not home and Paul talked to her. She didn't tell him what she had called to tell me though. The next time she called I said "congratulations" before she could give me the happy news. I had read Andrew's Facebook page sharing that he is a daddy.
Andrew's announcement reads "Xola was born 11:02 last night 19in. 6lbs 3.5oz. Shes beautiful =D"
This means that she was born on May 19th, 2011. We assumed that her name was Xola Elizabeth as had been mentioned earlier to Andrew's mother, my niece Elizabeth. It turns out that her name is Xola Jo. We are not sure yet if she has the last name Hamilton like her daddy or Martin like her mommy Natasha. We will see.
Elizabeth has step grandchildren, but this is the first of her own grandchildren. Although she calls Jack's grandchildren hers. He has a large family so between them there are a lot of grandchildren. I can only keep track of Elizabeth's children Andrew and Elijah and the children they will have. My sister Betty is not here to share the good news about her new great granddaughter so I will be excited for her. My sister Donna will also share in the happy event.
Elizabeth is my niece that came to visit in 1980 and stayed for five years. So she is like a daughter to me. My other niece Debra is also close to me even though there are miles between us. Elizabeth and Jack are in Missouri. Debra and Pete are in Washington state with their family. They also have grandchildren.
Families are part of God's plan. "God created man in His own image. He created male and female and blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply'..." These words are taken from Genesis 1:27,28. The Bible is full of stories about families beginning with Adam and Eve and their children. When the flood came upon the earth God saved Noah and his family. There are many precious stories of fathers and their sons in the Old Testament. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem He was part of a loving family.
I love my family and pray for each one to know the peace and joy that comes from knowing God. This includes nephews and nieces as well as my own children. May God bless Andrew, Natasha and little baby Xola Jo. May God bless Andrew's brother Elijah. May God bless Elizabeth's brothers Gary, Matthew and Mark. And may God bless each of Xola's cousins, especially Brittany and Michael (Bubba). I hope and pray for the very best for each one. Children are a gift from God. Hugs :)
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