Sunday, February 6, 2011

Two Good Men

On Sunday February 6, 2011 our country celebrates the 100th birthday of our 40th President, Ronald Reagan. He was our President from 1981-1989. He was a favorite of many. He is remembered as an actor of many years standing. He was also the 33rd governor of California from 1967-1975.

When the Coronado-San Diego Bay Bridge opened in 1969 Governor Reagan was there to dedicate it along with many other dignitaries. My family was also there with some of our neighbor children. Kathy, Laura, Bill, Griff and I walked with the Higgins children from where we lived on Olive Lane in Coronado to the entrance of the bridge where the opening ceremonies took place. We had a distant view of the big event. We could see the dignitaries, including Reagan, but not close enough to get a picture. But we can say we saw Ronald Reagan. (Except for the children who were too short.)

February 6th is also the day of our son-in-law, John Golden's, birthday. He is celebrating a new decade year, his 60th birthday. He is the husband of our daughter Kathy and the father of three. John's son Michael is Kathy's stepson. Michael's mother is Lois who we have known since before we knew John. Kathy and John were married in 1983 and are blessed with two lovely daughters, Becky and Melissa. Becky and her husband presented our family with a new little baby boy in December. Michael is the father of two daughters and a son. The family continues to grow and be blessed. John is a faithful husband and a dear son-in-law.

John had a much closer encounter with President Reagan than we could ever have imagined. Reagan was at John's reenlistment ceremony and shook John's hand. John has the framed picture to share this event. I think this was just before John married our daughter Kathy. John retired from the Navy after 22 years of service to our country in 1992. The Golden family moved to Colorado right after he retired from the military in '92.

John and Kathy have done a great job raising their family and they all continue to work hard. They also faithfully serve the Lord and their church. I love my family and wish I could see this part of my family more often. I loved it when they lived in San Diego and I was able to care for the girls when they were little. Looking forward to seeing our new little great grandson Jacob, and giving him a big hug!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN !!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great experience, especially for John. :) Great blessings.
