Friday, February 4, 2011

This World Is Not My Home

Sometimes I feel like Job with so many trials to contend with. I know that I haven't really faced the tribulations that Job faced, but I do have my struggles. This old house which shelters us, and this not so young body, are feeling the effects of age. There is always something that needs fixing in this house and we can't seem to keep up with it. Paul and I have both experienced slowing down and needing to visit doctors more than we used to. We feel as if we keep the Wal Mart pharmacy in business.

We get something repaired and something takes its place on the to do list. I can get discouraged with always seeming to be behind in doing what needs to be done. But I am reminded that this world is not my home, I"m just passing through. Then I break out in song and enjoy the words of the favorite chorus which contains these words.

We might be disappointed in how some things turn out in our lives. We may try to find our happiness in other people, but the only way to peace and joy is through a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Our hope needs to be in God. Not depending on man to make us happy is a hard lesson to learn, but it is possible.

We do need relationships in our lives and we are to love people, not things. Our loved ones are all that we can take to heaven with us when we do finally go. There will be a big reunion in heaven someday and I hope I have a lot of dear ones to share this with. I am blessed with friends and family that I love dearly. My prayer is for each one to know the Lord and to share this joy with me. Not the kind of happiness that the world gives, but the joy of the Lord.

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