Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

As children we enjoyed Valentine's Day parties at school. Sharing cute cards, which are now vintage, was the order of the day. There were times that I received conversation hearts candy from some special little friend. Nice to be noticed by someone of the opposite sex, even as a child. I always liked boys, but did not usually have a boy friend. The main thing about sharing Valentines at school was to be inclusive and give to all classmates. When it is done right no one gets left out.

I don't know if children exchange Valentines at school anymore. But I notice a lot of Valentines in the store for children to purchase. There are cute cards to buy, but I especially like the old fashioned ones of years past, or replicas. Homemade cards are a favorite of mine to give.

When we have that special someone in our life it is assumed that cards and/or gifts will be shared. I always appreciate cards and do not expect more. But I won't turn down the extras if they are added. I like chocolate the best. Flowers are nice, but never expected. Jewelry is not necessary for me. I do understand how one would enjoy that pretty addition to their attire though. I'm so easy to please. As I said, cards make me happy.

There may have been a time when I really would have liked some extra attention with more than a card. I remember being sad on our anniversary when I really wanted to go out to eat at a restaurant. In those days even fast food would have been a treat as that was not on our list of things to do. This was when we had young children and times were tough for me. But I have seen better days since then so don't dwell on those rough days, usually. And I do want more than fast food once in a while for a treat.

We always remember cards on those special days such as anniversaries, birthdays and Valentine's Day.

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