Sunday, January 2, 2011

We Begin the New Year -2011

Happy New Year!! Yesterday, on the first, we were up very early so we could be on our way at five a.m. Actually it was ten minutes after five when we finally left our Court as I had to go back to find my hat. Then I still wondered whether or not we did everything that needs to be done when we are going to be gone for the day. All safety measures taken, all cats cared for, all our things we need with us? This was just for a one day trip. Can you imagine what it is like for a real trip? Actually someone has to stay home when it is for a long trip as we have too many pets to care for.

The sun was rising as we headed east on Interstate 8 over the mountains. We saw a beautiful sunrise as we reached the desert. It was a jacket kind of day for Laura and me. The guys don't seem to get cold very easy so were comfortable with shirt sleeves. Their minds were on birding in the Salton Sea area. We didn't do our usual walk at the waters edge as they were after a certain bird for the day. They finally found the Bean Goose towards the end of the day. This is a goose from Europe so it would have been way off course.

Between Paul and Bill they found over eighty kinds of birds for the day. Paul had 77, possibly more. Laura also did some birding with them. But I mostly enjoyed reading and seeing the scenery for the day. We went on a lot of country roads as we have many times in the past. That is what birders do when they have certain birds in mind. It is called chasing a bird when they are looking for a certain bird. You could hear hunters in certain spots too. But we hunt with binoculars or scopes. If we had the right camera we could get some shots that way, but not with a gun. We have family members that are hunters so I will not be negative about hunters. It is just not our idea of fun.

Paul, Laura, Bill and another birder saw a Bald Eagle kill a Snow Goose. They were watching Snow Geese by the thousands, lots of White Pelicans and numerous other birds when this happened. That is when they were looking for the Bean Goose. It was quite a while later that they found the only Bean Goose to be found. Other birders were looking for him too, including one gentleman from Canada.

In our travels of the day we found ourselves on highway 111 at 1:11 pm on 1-1-11. I'm not big into numbers but this is a fun fact. Some people planned their weddings for this date. And some babies were born on this easy to remember day. The first baby of the year was featured in the local news. He was born ten seconds after midnight. They were aiming for a tax deduction by having the baby in the old year, but babies have their own schedule. We have our own little December baby since we have our first great grandson, born on the 13th.

On the way home yesterday we enjoyed a sunset as we headed west on the Interstate. It was dark when we left home in the morning and it was dark when we arrived home last night around seven pm. It was an enjoyable day with family, a nice way to begin the new year.

This morning in church we enjoyed the singing and the sermon. The message by Pastor Carey was a blessing to me. A good way to begin the year. We learned about God's holiness, our sin, God's grace and our faith. God is Holy. We are sinful, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23.  God's grace is what he has done for us, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 Our faith is what we must do in response to what God has done for us. We must receive this gift by faith. We need Christ as our Saviour. We don't want to be caught dead without a Saviour. This is so simple, but we want to complicate it and make our own set of rules. Why don't we just believe what is truth? It will save us. Our works don't save us. Only God can save us from our sins. He loves us!!  :)

Image credits: colin brown; Maggiejumps; Maggiejumps; Billy Lindblom

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