Monday, January 17, 2011

Bits and Pieces of Life - January 2011

I still can't even start a new post unless Laura is here to help me. I get so frustrated because I do the same thing as she does and it doesn't work for me. All I get is a page that has nothing to do with starting a new post. Learning new things has always been hard for me. If Laura wasn't here I wouldn't even be on the computer.

Fred gets frustrated because Donna doesn't learn how to use the computer, but she doesn't have someone like Laura to teach her. Fred wouldn't have the time to put into teaching her. He doesn't even have time to go to his Facebook page. His computer is for work, not fun.

Poor Bill, his laptop computer is not working at this time. He needs it for all of his birding and other records. He spends a lot of time on it when it works. I hope the cats didn't do something to it when they jumped across it. He says it was already having problems so they are not the cause. This is not his first laptop as some don't last long for him.

I get ideas to write about, but when I sit at the computer those ideas take flight. Today I put some ideas on paper since I'm sharing about a friend at her memorial service on Saturday. Kathy was my friend that I played Scrabble with. I knew her since our boys were in 5th or 6th grade together. She was a neighbor on the street in back of us. Her husband Ron is still our friend. They always welcomed friends into their home and knew how to give a party which they did many times over the years.

We have been enjoying having Bill with us since he arrived from Florida on Christmas. We have been to the desert, the mountains, Lindo Lake in Lakeside and to Griff's in Valley Center. Bill has taken his Dad birding many times in recent weeks. They have been to all the local birding spots. Bill has gone out with Laura on excursions too. This morning while Bill and Paul were out birding Laura and I took a short walk to a favorite neighborhood spot overlooking the Otay Valley.

On Saturday we had company here. My cousin Dagna and her husband Joe were here on their annual visit with us. Actually we saw Dagna another time last summer when Kathy and John were here. Donna and Fred were also here on Saturday as they were in town for a wedding. They were able to enjoy tamales with us that Dagna and Joe brought for dinner. Donna and Fred were here for a short time when they had to head to the wedding of Fred's niece. Last time they were in town it was for his brother's funeral.

There is always something going on, it seems. I also enjoy quiet days at home. I do a little housework too. But I need to do a lot more housework. It is good to have company to make me do a little extra work. There is never an end to things that need to be done.

We had a problem that Paul had to solve by phone last week. We had changed health insurance providers in December but the old one did not get canceled as it should have. The whole idea was that we couldn't afford the old one. When he first called about it he was told that it was too late to cancel and he was given the run around with voice mail. That is a bad thing to happen to any senior. He finally got hold of someone who could help him late last week so the problem is solved after many sleepless nights on my part. We couldn't just withhold payment as it automatically came out of his pay before it got to the bank. Thankfully things look better now. Hopefully they really are.

We had a nice day yesterday as we enjoyed church and then went with friends to Arby's afterwards. We had talked with Ellen and Dave for several weeks about doing this. Ellen is my good friend from Westview Bible Church that I originally met on the bus. We met her when we were heading to Coronado on Sundays and she was also riding the bus. It has been a blessing to know Ellen and Dave and to go to church with them. We have made other friends at Westview too. We already knew Adria, another dear friend.

I want to get together with my dear friend Madeline soon. We are long overdue on doing this, not any fault of hers. I don't know when we can work this out. She would like to see Bill while he is here. I hope for the best. Madeline, if you read this I will call soon.

We also promised Rosalie we would go see her soon. She is "my other mother" and Madeline is "my other sister". Donna and I both "adopted" Rosalie when we were teen agers to be our "other mother". But we haven't been very good daughters in recent years. We get busy and time slips away.

Lucia "adopted" me to be her "other mother" as her family is in Colombia. She was able to see them recently when they were in California on vacation. She also went with Michael and Sabrina to Oklahoma to see his family for Christmas so they have been on the go. We need to get together soon.

I recently sent birthday cards to two of my nephews and to Josie. I could have sent another nephew a card too but didn't have his current address. Josie was our daughter-in-law, but we still consider her to be family.

Such is the life of this senior citizen. This wasn't about any one thing, just bits and pieces of life. And I didn't even touch on everything. I really need patience with problems I face each day. Best of all, I love my friends and family.  Hugs.  :)

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