Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In Memory of My Nephew Arthur

On January 20th it will be exactly seventeen years since my sister Donna has seen her son Arthur. We don't know any more about what happened to him now than we did those many years ago. The police were properly notified when he was first missing and there have been moments of hope that he would be found. We do not have hope that he is alive though. Too many reasons to believe otherwise.

Arthur was a favorite nephew and the cousin my children got to know as a friend and brother. He was there for many of their adventures. He is the one that was with Griff when the bike flew down suicide hill and crashed. Arthur observed the accident from the top of the hill. Griff came home with less teeth. Arthur was with Bill and Griff for other adventures too. Laura really loved her cousin, as I'm sure Kathy would echo the sentiment.

Arthur's sister Debra was just one year and a day younger than he was. They loved and fought as brothers and sisters often do. She really misses him and sometimes makes a call to the police to remind them that Arthur has family that cares.

Arthur was my parents first grandson, two years younger than my daughter Kathy, a half year older than Laura. Arthur disappeared while my mother was still with us. Maybe they are together now. My hope is that he is enjoying time with loved ones that have gone on to their reward in heaven. He used to say he loved the Lord and I hope that was true. He had a lot of problems and strayed along the way. He also knew the wrong kind of people.

Arthur, son, husband, father, and even a grandfather. Arthur, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin and friend. It has been difficult for me to find pictures of him besides those taken of him as a child. I know we have a few good pictures of him but I can't put my fingers on them. He was a handsome young man. He would be fifty-three years old now and I bet he would still be young at heart.

From: Glendale Crime Stoppers 2001

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