Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Just As I Am

In Reading Rituals I wrote about enjoying the morning newspaper each morning with my cup of tea. I also mentioned some magazines and books that I have read. But something is missing in this picture. The most important reading ritual I could have would be reading the Word of God.

I do read the Bible, but I can't say that I have been as consistent as I would like to be. Laura and I enjoy reading the Bible and praying together. We begin to be consistent in our reading and prayer time and then we skip some days. Then we have to begin all over again on our ritual together. In the meantime she does her own reading and studying.

Paul has been faithful in reading the Bible for many years. He reads through the whole Bible almost every year. Oh to be so faithful. I confess that I have begrudged him for this in years past since he would not read it with me. It is almost like I blamed him for my failure to be so consistent. I needed someone to lead me in Bible and prayer time. It is not just that either. I wanted family devotions and tried to make that happen. I did my best in a way, but wish I had done better. Our daughters love the Lord. Our sons needed more guidance to come to believe what is truth. I was a baby Christian and needed to mature. Maybe I needed a mentor myself.

Enough years have gone by now and I better understand why some things were the way they were in our family. I am also stronger in my faith so try to let go of some things I can not change. One thing is certain, we can not change other people. I can fuss all I want, but that is not going to change anything. I need to admit my own mistakes and move on. God is the only one who can make a real difference in our lives. I'm so glad that I have Him in my life. I'm so glad that Jesus saved me and he loves me.

I'm thinking of the old favorite, sung at revivals, "Just as I am, without one plea But that Thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidds't me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come! I come!
"Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come! I come!"  The song goes on for three more verses.  Text by Charlotte Elliot. Music by William B. Bradbury.

"Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37

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