Sunday, April 24, 2011


We are challenged daily and maybe that is good as we at least know we are among the living. Our kitties are a real challenge. This morning as we were heading out the door to go to church two of the cats wanted out and we were determined to keep them in. Paul was struggling with Midnight while Laura and I were trying to go out the door without any cats. Spotty flew past me across my sandals and snagged my stockings on the way. So much for those stockings, but I had no choice except to wear them one last time. I sealed the runs with clear polish and headed out again. By then two cats had gotten outside. That is the way it is at our house.

We want to be good neighbors and not have our cats bother other people. Some of the kitties used to be able to go in and out as they please, but we have tried to change that. After Cassandra got hit and died on Palm Avenue we pretty much made our cats indoor cats, though not always successful. This wasn't the first tragedy with our kitties, but we hope it is the last. This was at least five years ago. Actually Cassandra really belonged to our neighbor. We loved her and took part ownership of her. Laura took beautiful pictures of her.

When we got Spotty he was an indoor kitty. It didn't take long for him to discover our yard. I don't think he wanders though. I certainly hope not.

I spend more time cleaning up after pets than I ever remember doing for our children. It is like having more than one two year old at a time. I won't go into details about the cleaning challenges as they are many. Thankfully Paul cleans the litter boxes. And now we have the flea season upon us and need to get rid of them. I will be visiting Pet Smart soon.

I could talk about repairs we need to do around here as they are another challenge. But I won't bother with that subject for now. At least we have a home and are comfortable enough. We have food in our cupboards and refrigerator. We are blessed.

This morning we had a very nice worship service at Westview Bible Church. Pastor Carey gave a good gospel message. No one in attendance can give the excuse that they did not know they needed the Lord to cover their sin. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."Romans 3:23. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23. Our Savior conquered the grave. We set our hope on Jesus rising from the grave- the greatest truth the world has ever known. Death is a certain reality- we need the hope of knowing Jesus. The free gift of life is in Jesus Christ. He paid the full penalty and we need to believe in Jesus There is only ONE WAY. Beware of false prophets. He is our only hope.

Pastor Carey gave good illustrations to get his point across. I always take notes but not every word. The sermon was good as Paul just said to me. I would like to be able to share the message as clearly as he says it. I'm sure lives are touched by the message each week.

After church we had an Easter brunch in the fellowship hall. Many went outside and found seats there to eat their meal. We sat with our friend Adria during the meal. She had her husband Al with her today. He lives in a nursing home in El Cajon. She wants to get him in a place in Chula Vista so she doesn't have so far to go to spend time with him. She is challenged daily and she stays so positive. She has M.S. and has a lot going on in her life. She is such a dear person.

We had a ride home with our friends Ellen and Dave. We have been blessed to get to know them. I first met Ellen on the bus. Paul and I were heading to Coronado to church every week and she was going to Westview. We are now going with her to church. We already knew Adria and have made new friends there. I am challenged as I still want to be part of my Coronado church family too. We go there sometimes. There will always be challenges in life and many decisions to make as long as we breathe.

The most important decision is to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior while we still have breath in us. We know some who have made that decision on their deathbeds. They will receive eternal life just as the ones who have always lived for Christ. But I think the bigger blessing is to know Him and live for Him now. We can spend time serving Him and sharing His love with others. Do not wait till it is too late. After we take our final breath it is too late to make this decision. God loves us and wants what is best for us. But He does not force us to make this decision. God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. What an eventful Easter. So glad we were all able to once again worship and celebrate the reason for Resurrection Sunday!
