Saturday, April 23, 2011


Today, Saturday April 23rd, Griff was here for part of the day. We invited him for today, the day before Easter, as we will be busy tomorrow. Griff brought a large supply of groceries for our cupboards and refrigerator. He is a most generous son and even remembers our pets.

I planned a brunch for today to enjoy with him. It was a much more relaxed meal than having dinner. We had scrambled eggs with bell pepper and jalapenos mixed in them. I put a small amount of cheese on top. Very good. Griff brought a huge bag of potatoes so I fried some. I had a good coupon for sausages so bought them to go with the meal. Griff brought avocados from his trees and they were a nice addition to the meal. I had made a salad and decided it would be good too, as well as the grapes we had on hand. It was simple and satisfying. By the way this was the first time I had ever added jalapenos to a meal such as this. I got this idea on Facebook last night. Laura and Paul also enjoyed the company and brunch.

While Griff was here Becky called to say Happy Easter to us. It is always a pleasure to have this dear granddaughter call. She keeps me up to date on baby Jacob and whatever else she wants to share. She said that her husband Jay would like me to email his mother because we could be friends. That is so sweet. I am so happy because Becky, Jay (Jason) and Jacob have been going to church with Kathy and John, her parents. Of course Jacob is in the nursery at church. Melissa, Becky's sister, also goes to the same church as she always has. I pray that Jacob will grow up to love the Lord. Raise a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Another blessing is that when I talked to Josie last week she told me that she and John and Joshua are going to church now. Joshua needed this good example of faithfully going to church. He has been in the nursery while they are in the worship service. I hope he gets to go to Sunday School too. I sent him some  Bible story books and color books for Easter. I also sent him some crayons and a small bunny. He was excited to get these gifts from grandma.

We sent little Jacob a nice book also. It has prayers in it for toddlers. We also sent him some froggies that are bath toys. I bought them when we were in Julian with Bill several months ago. Becky likes frogs. She appreciated the gifts for Jacob for his first Easter. They bought him a little suit for Easter. Or maybe Grandma Kathy bought it. That is what grandmas do. I used to love to buy Becky and Missy dresses for Easter when they were little. My children's Grandma Marvin bought them cute outfits when they were little too.

Last week Kathy called me and we had a nice conversation. We don't call each other as often as we should, but we keep tabs on Facebook. I have been blessed to have two wonderful daughters. I guess I don't spend too much time bragging about them. But maybe I have at times. I remember when I was a first time grandma I was the grandma with pictures in purse. Need I say more?

I talked to Bill recently too. We got up to date on things for both of us. He had planned to get back to San Diego this year, but it may be next winter before he returns. Whatever is best for him is fine with us. We would love for him to come sooner though.

Paul's brother Charlie just called and verified the plans to get together with us next month. He will be in town with a friend and we are all going to visit one of Paul and Charlie's cousins and his wife in San Diego. This will be one of those special family times. It will also be Charlie's birthday.

Griff brought enough avocados for me to share with my neighbors. They are far from ripe so won't be ready right away. But I was able to use two today. I also took some to two of our special neighbors. They were my Easter gifts to them. I still want to give some more to neighbors. They always like to receive them. I share with other friends when possible.

Tomorrow is Easter and we will be going to church as we do most weeks. Last week we were home as Paul and Laura had colds. I should have gone but didn't. I had the tail end of a cold then. After church tomorrow we will stay for the brunch they have each year at Westview Bible Church. This will be our first Easter with them.

 Last year we went to Coronado as we have always done. We had breakfast with our church family in Coronado before the worship service, during what would be the Sunday School hour, as we have done each Easter for years. Another tradition we had for years was to make a flower cross which was very beautiful. One of our pastors had started this tradition. I don't know if they are doing it this year and we won't be there to see. I'm still torn between two churches as I love the people at each one. We worship our Lord at both churches.

We have been blessed for many years with such wonderful Christian friends. God has been so good to us and so have our Christian brothers and sisters. Our history is long in Coronado, but we have also been touched by the dear people at Westview. May God bless each one.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter Caroline (and family)!! Thanks for sharing your holiday with us! :) Hugs, my dear friend.
