Monday, February 6, 2012

I Will Never Forget

This year is slipping by without me posting much on my "Hearts and Hugs" sight. I have written "notes" on my Facebook page which are similar to my blog posts. It just depends on how I want to access the computer. Last year at this time I had written a lot of blog posts.

I have written this story before, but was reminded of it the other day so will share it again.

Paul had a good friend at work named Ron. Paul and Ron shared their Christian faith with each other and we have many memories of their friendship. Ron is the one who arranged for us to be baptized in the ocean  in Rosarito Beach, south of the border. He knew people in a little church in Tijuana and had been baptized by the pastor of that little church. Ron had been baptized in the ocean and Paul wanted the same experience, so arrangements were made for this. It was a great experience that I will always remember. I won't go into details of that day in 1960 since I have shared this story before in "A Story To Remember" dated March of 2011.

This was just a little background for the story I want to share again which is also in "A Story To Remember."

Ron went to be with the Lord in 1973 after a long struggle with cancer. Paul was asked to be a pall bearer at the funeral for his long time friend. Of course he was willing to do this. Since Paul was sitting with the other pall bearers I sat by myself during the service. When it came time for everyone to view the body at the end of the service I ended up being first in line to go forward. I had been to services where we went out a side door afterwards. After viewing the body I headed for the first door I saw instead of paying attention to what I should be doing. It became apparent in a very short time that I should not have headed that way. I soon found myself leading the way into a closet with no easy exit outside. We were quickly escorted out the correct direction. Good thing I would never see those people again after that.

We were supposed to follow the other vehicles to the cemetery for Paul to continue his pall bearing duties. That did not go right either. Good thing no one was following us at that point. We did not get to the cemetery until long after everyone was gone. Maybe that was for the better for me.

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