Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I'm Not the Only Caroline Marvin

When I was a child I never knew anyone with the name Caroline. It is an old fashioned name that was not being used a lot at the time. I knew a number of girls with the name Carolyn and Carol, but nobody with my name. Of course many people ended up calling me Carolyn thinking that was my name. I did not usually bother to correct them. One of my friends is Carolyn and she makes sure that people have it right when our names get switched.

When I was in high school I finally met a girl named Caroline. She was younger than me, but I had opportunity to meet her. So it was fun when we greeted each other to say "hi Caroline" to each other. I know that would not be a big deal with many common names. There are a lot of Kathys and Lauras so they would not think twice about hearing their names unless it was specifically for them.

In more recent years I hear the name Caroline used a lot more. It seems that ever since Caroline Kennedy was a little girl in the White House people have liked the name. Grace Kelly also named her first child Caroline. I meet other girls named Caroline now days.

Recently someone else with the name Caroline Marvin found one of my blog posts. So I'm not the only person with this combination of names. My name happened to be in the San Diego Union-Tribune several weeks ago. A friend of the other Caroline saw my name and let her know that she saw the name Caroline Marvin in the paper. So Caroline wrote a note on one of my blog posts. I tried to respond but had no success. I often need help from my daughter in using the computer.

Caroline Marvin who lives in Boston, if you see this I'm not ignoring your note. I'm just amazed that you found my blog and wrote to me. I hope to hear from you again. Oh, in answering your question, Marvin is my married name. I'm 74 years old and have been married 56 years. It will be 57 years in August.

We are not the only ones that have had the name Caroline Marvin. My brother-in-law saw on obituary for a Caroline Marvin in the Salinas, California newspaper sometime ago. He was not surprised that there are Marvins in Boston as the family was originally in the east. All I knew is that some had been in Ohio and then Michigan. My father-in-law was born in Minnesota but came southwest as a child. I know there is another Marvin family in our area, but we are not related.

Until now I would never have thought there would be another person with my name. But I should not be surprised as there are a lot of duplicate names. We found that out when looking for someone on Facebook. If it wasn't for my daughter I would not be on Facebook or writing on the computer. Thank God for daughters.

We may share a name with someone else but we are each unique. God knows each one of us. He knows the number of hairs on our heads. He knows what is in our hearts. He knows our thoughts and answers our prayers. He loves us and desires for each one of us to love him too. He even knew us before we were born.

See Psalm 139

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