Thursday, March 3, 2011

You Never Know What A Day May Bring

 You have probably heard that we do not know what tomorrow holds, but we know who holds tomorrow. Looking this up on Google I find song lyrics but not the scripture I had hoped to find. At least I'm learning to use Google, but I prefer to have Laura to help me.

Yesterday I had my plans all made to go to Ladies Bible Study in Coronado. I had things in order to take what I needed for the lunch we were having after Bible Study this morning. We had been to Griff's on Tuesday and had picked avocados for me to share with the ladies. Yesterday it was apparent that the avocados were not going to be ripe so I bought some for our Mexican themed lunch. They are just right to use.

This morning I was up early to get ready to go on the bus to Coronado. Laura was going to the library in Coronado so was going on the bus with me. We were doing great until we got to Imperial Beach where we change buses to go down the Silver Strand to Coronado. It turned out that no traffic was allowed on the Strand as there had been a major accident. This meant that the bus would not be going to Coronado. So I would not be able to follow through with my plans for the day.

I made a phone call to the church from a nearby pay phone to let the ladies know that I would not be there. We were not only having the luncheon after Bible study, we were also putting "Welcome baskets" together to share with new neighbors or others we want to invite to church. Thankfully I had already taken my items for the baskets to church on Sunday. They would do fine without me as they have done much of the past year. I used to lead the group, but Jane does a great job as Bible study leader and others lead the activities quite nicely.

Yesterday I had called Jimmie Sue to let her know I would be there and to see if they needed anything else for the activities planned. Thankfully I did not need to promise to bring any extras. I could not have kept my promise.

Since we couldn't get to Coronado Laura and I decided to get on the bus and head to the Imperial Beach Pier. This was a good decision as it was a beautiful day in our part of the country. I didn't need my jacket on as we walked on the pier. The water and the sky were so blue you could hardly tell where one began and the other ended. We enjoyed seeing all the fishermen on the pier as well as the birds overhead. Someone had caught a starfish which I think should have been put back in the sea. Earlier this week Laura, Bill and Paul had seen more birds as well as porpoise in that area. It is always fun to see the porpoise and seals when they swim nearby. They are a rare treat to observe.

More than a year ago (maybe two years) Laura and I rescued a drowning pigeon at the beach. We were standing on the pier observing the sea birds when we realized that one of the birds shouldn't be in the water. It was a pigeon that had ended up in the waves and was struggling to survive. The waves were taking it closer to shore so we were happy about that. Then when it finally hit the beach another bird started to pick on it. Laura and I headed towards the beach and the pigeon to see what we could do. We decided to take it home with us as it was too weak to survive otherwise. I put it in an extra bag that I had available and we got on the bus with it and headed home.

Laura named the pigeon Pierre. We had a small cage for him which was o.k. for a short time. After a week, when he was strong enough to fly, Griff drove Pierre and me to the pier area where we let him go near the other pigeons. The last we saw he was with the many pigeons in the park next to the pier. He was one of the prettier pigeons and I think of him when I'm in that area and see one with his type of markings.

We never know what a day may bring. What does God have in store for us when we begin the day? We did not know that we would not get to Coronado today. We had a different adventure instead. We did not know we would be rescuing a bird that day so many months ago. Each day has something to behold. One thing we need to realize is that God holds the future and we need to be ready to meet Him at a moment's notice.

The people in the car accident on the Strand in Coronado did not know that this would be such a horrific day. One was innocently minding his own business and was car jacked and taken on a frightening ride. Then there was the crash and both people in that vehicle were killed and others were injured. I don't really have all the details, but we do know that this was the day these two people needed to be ready to meet their Maker. We don't have any promises about what tomorrow will bring. We may just be the one that couldn't get to our job on time, or to an appointment. But we could be the one heading for our final breath here on earth.

One gentleman I talked to was going to his first day on a new job. Many others were about their daily business. They did not get to their destinations on time, or at all. But that is not as serious as being in a deadly car crash.
                                         "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow"

                                        There are things about tomorrow
                                        That I don't seem to understand,
                                        But I know Who holds tomorrow
                                        And I know Who holds my hand.

Song by Ira Stanphil

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