Saturday, March 5, 2011

Distracted Driving

Concerning the accident on the Strand in Coronado on Thursday, it is now said that there was no car jacking. I would say if it wasn't a stolen car then the driver would have been wise to stop for the Sheriff's deputies instead of speeding up. There would have been no chase scene and no accident.

The girl's mother said that maybe her daughter got scared, the way they were chasing her. I'm getting this information from this morning's paper. I think that people need to think about what they will do in difficult situations while driving. Young people need to realize that they need to stop for law enforcement who are just doing their job. It seems that some young people think of the police as the enemy, out to get them. I think that most law enforcement officers have the good of the citizens in mind when doing their jobs.

If you take the responsibility of driving seriously think ahead of time what you will do if you have an accident. Do not leave the scene of an accident as that will make you guilty even if the accident was not your fault. Watch out for bikes and pedestrians too. Do not text and drive or use the phone at all while driving. Distracted driving causes accidents. I have seen someone put on makeup while driving down the freeway, even with children in the car. Yikes!!

As pedestrians we have barely escaped being run over by drivers who were on their cell phones. We were thankful not to have been hit. We, being my daughter and me. I don't know if my husband has had any close calls with bad drivers yet. We are pedestrians as we take public transportation many days. But even those with vehicles are pedestrians on occasion.

Another thought on the bad accident on Thursday. If it had not been reported as a car jacking in the first place there would not have been a need for the deputy to give chase. That needs to be accounted for. Also the driver deliberately sideswiped the patrol car and sped away so that looks pretty guilty to me.

I'm glad officials take their time to get all of the facts straight. They spent hours and hours at the scene of the tragic accident to piece it all together. I'm glad I don't have to figure things out. I appreciate our law enforcement officers. Police and Sheriff's deputies have a thankless job. They need our prayers as they go about their many activities so that they can safely go home to their loved ones each day.

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