Saturday, October 29, 2011

A New Adventure Each Day

We never know what a day may bring. Today it's a cute little chihuahua that was found in our front yard. We had been thinking we need less pets so we can not keep doggy. When Laura went out to water this morning there was a cute little dog that was not moving under the water spigot next to the house. Who knows how long she had been there waiting for rescue. I think she had given up as she did not even accept water or food at first. She may have been lost for some time. I see lost dogs, especially chihuahuas, quite often. I might have even seen her on the next block when we drove by earlier in the week.

I asked a few neighbors to be sure she was not theirs as I knew at least two have chihuahuas. Then I called animal control to come for her. They will be here sometime today. I feel bad to have to do this, but this gives her owner a better chance of finding her. I already know that putting a lost and found ad in the paper does not bring the desired results. Anyway that is our experience. We ended up keeping the dogs we tried this with. We are down to no dogs, but we have too many cats so no more animals allowed at this time. We are still waiting for animal control to get here. They were real busy this morning when I called.

This has been a busy week with all of our going places with Bill. Monday we went to the mountains and the desert. We found a real interesting mountain road that was long and narrow that I had never been on before. Bill had done part of it once before. We finally had to turn around when it became more narrow and rough, but it was fun while it lasted. A number of trails go off from this road. Bill had hiked a ways on one a week or two earlier. The purpose of the ride was for the birders in the family to find a certain bird. They heard it but I don't know if they ever saw it on Monday. This trip found me without a camera due to my forgetting it. This was a picture perfect day too. I had mountain pictures recently though.

We also went to Borrego Springs on Monday. There I am without a camera and I see things I want to photograph. The large sculptures would have been a great addition to the pictures I have taken with Bill's camera. There was an article in the paper the other day about these sculptures. I had seen articles before too. We went to Borrego Springs by way of Julian and Banner grade, past Scissors Crossing and then north into Borrego Springs. Bill knows the good birding spots so we did a few of them, then we headed west to Ranchita. We did a quick trip to Warner Springs just to say we had been there. Then we looked at some birds on Lake Henshaw before continuing south towards Ramona for more birds, and then headed home. A full day, yet we got home while it was light out. We had left home before sunrise as we often do on these trips. Would have been some good sunrise pictures.

Thursday was another interesting day with the birders of the family. I remembered the camera this time. We headed to Point Loma for some birding. I read the paper while Paul, Laura and Bill did their birding. I always take something to read for those times I want to stay in the car. I was saving my walking for the main event of this trip. We went to LaJolla for our traditional walk at the cove. The birders were enjoying the day and I was taking a lot of pictures. Actually Laura and I walked together in LaJolla, enjoying the scenery along the way. Bill had his long lens camera with him so he also enjoyed taking pictures. The LaJolla Cove is one place we always like to go when we have the opportunity.

We were not quite done in LaJolla as we also enjoyed a ride up Mount Soledad to the Veterans Memorial and the cross. I always find John Moorhouse's plaque and picture on the wall there. It is honoring him and his time in the Marines. He is a purple heart veteran and has a story to tell. In the past we have found plaques honoring President Reagan and Bob Hope among other familiar names. We enjoyed a ride to LaJolla and Mount Soledad with Madeline and Steve not too many years ago. We always enjoyed our special excursions with them over the years. Steve is no longer with us, but we still have special times with my dear friend Madeline.

Yesterday brought out the adventurer in all of us, with Bill at the wheel as usual. We headed north to Del Mar where our birders know some good birding spots at the lagoon. This seems to be a new traditional place for them to spot birds. Heading south afterwards it was decided to not go straight home, but head to another scenic place. Going east to LaMesa and up Mount Helix was next on the agenda. Paul, Laura and I had been there with Madeline and Steve a number of years earlier. Mount Helix is a great place for a view of LaMesa and the ElCajon area, a great photo op like Mount Soledad. We have never done both of these mountains in one excursion. This is the first time doing Mount Helix with Bill. These are very small mountains right in the middle of the city, but are special with crosses on top of each. Thankfully I had a good camera to take pictures.

Our cute little doggy was picked up by a nice animal control officer in the middle of the afternoon. She apologized for being so slow in arriving to pick up the dog. She made sure I did not want an adoption hold on doggy, but she also realized I did not really want more pets. She noted that our cats looked well fed and admired our fluffy kitty. I hope this will be a happy ending for our little chihuahua. They will check her to see if she has a micro chip so she may have a chance to see her owners again. Otherwise I hope she gets a good home soon. I like chihuahuas and would have kept her if it had been realistic.

Originally written Friday, October 21, 2011
first picture is Paul and little Chihuahua we found
next pictures are of Caroline
last picture is Paul, Laura and Bill at Mt.Helix

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